At the highest level, the origin of our being, there is only Oneness. Oneness is the complete union of Mother God (emotion) and Father God (thought). Together they represent Divine Love. This is what it means to embody inner union. It is the returning back to our origins as The Creator before we incarnated into form and experienced the illusion of separation. When we align our Mind to Father God - The Divine Masculine - we elevate our thoughts and beliefs to that of Love and we merge back into the Mind of God. When we align our Heart to Mother God - The Divine Feminine - we elevate our emotions to that of Love and we merge back into the Heart of God.
Through the remembrance that we are truly not separate from God we begin the process of Divine Union. The process of Divine Union is to release all that we have experienced and created that is rooted in the illusion of fear and separation. This process of releasing fear and separation will ultimately bring up everything that is not aligned with Divine Love. This is the healing journey, as our traumas resurface our role is to release them back into the Light of the Divine to dissolve them, like plucking a weed from our garden we let go of the energy and return back to wholeness oneness and Divine Love.
This is the process of Ascension. The return to Oneness and the remembrance that we are Divine Love, and through this process we align all that we are as human beings with the Heart and Mind of God - Divine Source. Through this embodiment process we are creating the blueprint or roadmap for others to do the same. This is an inward journey as we embody Oneness within ourselves. Through the Divine Union of Heart and Mind (Mother and Father God) we create Heaven on Earth within ourselves. As the Divine Law states - as within so without and as above so below. This means as we remember Heaven above we anchor it here - below (on Earth), as we create Heaven within we create it here - without - (on Earth.) This is what it means to create Heaven on Earth.
We are leading the way through our embodiment process, through our inner union with God, to return our state of being to that of Truth which is that we are Divine Love and that anything rooted in fear or separation is an illusion.
Reclaiming our Power and Sovereignty is just another way of saying that the illusion of fear has no power over us. When we remember that we are Divine Creator beings and we have reached inner union within then all of our creations will be rooted in Love. This means that everything that we create in our life holds the Original God Source Creator Code of Oneness. The illusion of fear and separation dissolves and what is left is only Truth which is that only Love is real.
This is the level of mastery that our soul came here to experience. Why? In the Mind and Heart of God, there was a thought - in the illusion of separation: would they forget where they came from? How powerful is Divine Love and would it be strong enough to reunite all of God’s aspects? Through the experience of separation we have created a new power, which is the power of compassion, hope, faith, and trust - all experiences that could not exist within the perfection of Love. Therefore, deep within the Heart and Mind of God they knew this experiment was for the greatest good.
Our role is to continue to align our Mind and Heart to that of God - Oneness. Every time we choose Love over fear, we are creating Heaven on Earth. We must dissolve the cords of fear that bind us as fear can only create further separation and suffering. Love has the power to heal and transcend all in your life.
I choose Love and Oneness through all of my thoughts, beliefs, words, emotions and actions. I am the Divine Heart and Mind of God, in doing so I return back to my origins, the Oneness of Source - The Great Central Sun - the Golden Spiral - beyond all time. I am One with the Creator and I choose to release and dissolve all separation in my life. I choose for all illusions to be shown to me so that I can create a new life that is aligned with Love. I choose Love. I choose Wholeness. I choose inner Union with God. This is my Truth. I AM LOVE.
In Love and Grace,
Rosalie 🤍🦢
Completed at 12:12 on 03/09/2025
