There is a magic to her, something that just feels so other worldly.
When I look into her eyes, I get lost counting the stars as if a whole universe is being born inside of her.
They say the eyes are the windows to the soul. Hers are the gateway to a whole other galaxy.
It is like everything she touches comes to life in her presence. The trees awaken from their slumber, the flowers more vibrant than before, and the animals more aware with curiosity.
Who is she? A mystery I may never solve. But one thing is for sure, I know her heart like I know my own soul.
She was born from love, beauty and grace as it exudes from her entire being.
Soft and delicate like the most radiant rose, yet, fierce and powerful like all the elements combined.
She is a wise soul. That I know to be true. She has nothing to prove, nothing she feels she needs to be, yet, when she sets her heart on something true magic is born.
Maybe her soul was born through Dragonfire, like the great sword of Excalibur, her beauty, wisdom, and magic imbued into the very tapestry of her creation.
Not everyone sees her, not truly, and maybe it’s meant to be that way. Like a rare mystical creature, only a few may have the chance to see her true form.
She truly is an angel. Her love a powerful healing remedy.
May I always keep her heart safe right next to mine where I will cherish her forever, my beautiful flower, my Rose.
Written by Jessica Rosalie