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Letter to the Lightworker Tribe 🦋

Writer: Jessica RosalieJessica Rosalie

I know many of you are feeling unsupported right now; I am feeling it too. 

What the world doesn’t see is the countless hours and years you have devoted yourself to this path. 

What is this path? 

The path of dedicating yourself - every single day - to listening to the soft whispers of your heart and soul. Mindfully and consciously choosing your every step to align with a greater plan, the Divine plan, that the Greater Mother & Father God set in motion long before we were even born.  

We are Wayshowers showing the world a new way to love and live. That is no easy feat. This is because it requires us to walk the path, feet on the ground, hands on our hearts, and with as much compassion and self-love that we can possibly hold for ourselves and others. 

There are not currently set systems in place that support us, not really. No one acknowledges the years of devotion, healing, and experience we have gained in our field, our practice and our life. 

If we all wrote our resumes, our real resumes, the ones that showed the countless qualifications, skills, experience on the job, and devotion that we have acquired learning, remembering, and accessing the wisdom we hold, it would not fit all on 1 page or even 10 pages. And that is just in this lifetime!

I know it can be challenging to do the work that nobody sees. I know it can be painful to put your heart out there again and again. It can be very humbling to continue along this path without any external validation. We know that the only true validation we need is from God but our fragile human egos feel the pain of a lack of acknowledgement for our service. 

What hurts is that we see our brothers and sisters also actively supporting this shift in consciousness and eventually after countless attempts to be seen and acknowledged for their work sacrifice their integrity to make a quick buck. For those of us who stay true to our hearts, and choose the higher path of Truth and Honour this can feel like a blow to our self-esteem. I am speaking to the ones who choose fear and manipulation tactics to entice people to buy what they are selling. In the end, this only hurts you but I can see how even this provides a lesson on discernment and personal empowerment for all. So it all serves the light in one way or another. 

So what I am saying, beloved tribe, is please do not lose hope or faith that you are doing exactly what your soul came here to do. I see you.

I see you and I feel you. Sometimes all we need in times of difficulty or challenge is for someone to understand and empathize with our struggle. 

I do not pretend to have all of the answers or know the future, only God knows that. But I do know that we cannot let the fire within our bellies go out. We must continue finding the support to lift us up, ignite our hearts, speaking and sharing our experiences, and doing what we love to do.

All of us here chose to support in whatever way possible would bring the most love, healing, and change during a time of great transition, accelerated growth and expansion in collective consciousness on this planet. 

We are needed. We are valued, we are loved and appreciated more than you could ever possibly know. 

Mother Earth thanks us and is immensely grateful for our courage. 

The Star Nations send their love and strength every day holding us all in the highest light, love, and respect for our service. 

In times of struggle and challenge - Remember. Why. You. Do. What. You. Do.

For all Children to be free from harm. 

For all Animals to receive respect and love. 

For Mother Gaia to heal and find peace. 

For all Families that are hurting from violence, harm, and poverty.

For all people to remember they are loved and sacred. 

Remember your why and do not compromise your integrity for an easier path, a shiny reward, or a temporary moment in the spotlight. 

What we all came here to do is so much bigger than our egos can handle. 

Your Soul came here for so much more than your eyes can see. 

Every day is an opportunity to strengthen your relationship with Mother Earth and all her allies - the Tree People, the Stone People, the Plant People, the Animals - they are all here and they love and thank you immensely for your service. 

For what it is worth, I love you, for being so strong, so courageous, and such A Divine Spark of Light in a time where there is a lot of confusion, suffering, and separation.

My brothers and sisters, do not give up for there is a guiding light, there is a way, there is a divine solution to whatever challenge you may be facing, and your efforts have not gone unnoticed. The Great Mother and Father have not turned their back on you. 

If you only knew how much love, support, and encouragement you truly have from all who love you, both on this planet and beyond, then you wouldn’t spend one more day worrying or doubting yourself.

You came here to be a beacon of Hope, Truth, Love, and Healing, Beloved, you have everything you need within you to become the most radiant Star that you were born to be.

Remember there are no accidents, there are no mistakes, and everything is here to help you become the person you were born to be. 

All my love, 




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