What an amazing journey it as been.
This thing, we call life, on this planet, we call Earth.
Let us take this time to appreciate every moment that we have now, and not take another second for granted.
Memories are beautiful because they remind us of those moments when our hearts loved the most.
Today let us choose to appreciate all that we have lived, felt, and experienced.
Let us choose today to honour ourselves, for it was those experiences that have truly helped shape who we are today.
Be proud and fall in love with the person you are today.
See how incredibly strong you are.
Feel how beautiful it is that your heart is still so open, despite all you have been through.
Choose to accept what is and what has been and know that, even if it hurts and even if it is scary, you are exactly where you need to be.
Let our hearts speak today:
I am proud of the life that I am creating for myself.
I am proud of the obstacles that I have overcome to get here and I honour the people on my path who have helped me reach this point.
I honour all the lessons that they have taught me and I am grateful for all of the love that they have shared.
I believe that opening up your heart fully, to fall deeply in love again, is always worth the risk of the pain from losing them.
I believe that love is why we are here and it is what allows us to be truly free.
Love endures, grows, changes the world, and transforms all that it touches.
It is love that allows us to experience the greatest joys and happiness in life.
Love can be our most beautiful teacher and most valuable lesson.
I will always and forever choose love over anything else.
I will forever choose to love myself, love others, and love the world, no matter how many times I have been hurt, heartbroken or disappointed.
These lessons are not meant to destroy us.
They are here to remind us of who we are.
They are here to encourage us to dig deeper within ourselves so that one day we may be able to remember who we are.
I set the intention that each person who reads this message see their unique beauty today.
I set the intention that each person who reads this finds hope, peace, and kindness within themselves today.
Most importantly, I set the intention that each person who reads this remembers that they are love, it is not something that can be found, they are never separate from it, they just are it.
I am love.
We are love.