We all carry inside of ourselves, the younger part of us. The part of ourselves that experienced the uncertainty of life. The part of us who is terrified, unsure of ourselves, our place in the world, lacks confidence, and experience.
This is a normal part of the soul’s journey. The coming of age, the bud before the bloom. We all experience this great unfolding at our own time, our own pace, and when life knows we are ready.
For many, motherhood often initiates us into the next phase of our growth and expansion. It is a time where we go through a death of our old selves, a shedding of the layers or parts of us that are ready to leave, as a new aspect of our soul is ready to be born. This is the second bloom. This is the rebirth. The first bloom is often experienced at puberty when we go from child to adolescent. As that younger part of you integrates the wiser more embodied part of you begins to take root. As this new version of you begins to bloom, you have the opportunity to receive greater clarity, awareness, and understanding. It is important to not judge or look down upon your younger self for they are the aspect of you that had the strength, courage, and resilience to carry you to this point in your life. We must honor, love, and deeply cherish this younger part of ourselves for without it we would not be here.
If we honour and have Grace for our younger selves, we can step into the next cycle or phase of our lives with peace, openness, love, and excitement for all that is to come. If we cannot let go and make peace with this younger part of ourselves then we will often carry with us resentment, bitterness and anger towards ourselves and the world. This can often translate into the wounded mother that is really just the unintegrated inner child and teenager.
During pregnancy, this is a very spiritual time for a woman. Your intuition, emotions and senses are heightened as you prepare to step through the threshold into motherhood. It is important to take time for reflection, healing, journaling, and integration as you prepare over these next nine months for your birth.
Your birth is not only the birth of your baby, but also the birth of yourself as a new mother. The baby is the catalyst for this transformation, but you are the one transforming. As a part of you is born a part of you also dies for this is the sacred balance of life and nature.
These nine months are truly preparing you to let go and embrace the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual transformation that you are embarking on. Your soul, and often the soul of your baby, is guiding you through the metaphorical and literal birthing process that began at the moment of your child’s conception.
All children initiate their parents through this sacred rights of passage. How gracefully we move through this time in our lives depends upon how open and willing we are to embrace this transformation. There is a deep surrendering that is asked of us, a deep awareness and connection that is needed to be cultivated, and an honouring of ourselves that we must have as we gently and lovingly move through this transformation.
I share this because maybe you are also pregnant, or you feel like life is initiating you through a metaphorical birth as we move from Winter into Spring. Or maybe you are a mother who struggles with the younger parts of yourself that are still holding on. Maybe you still feel like you have yet to experience your full bloom. I promise you, it is never too late. We all bloom at our own pace, at our own time, and when our soul is ready. This is why it is so important to not compare ourselves or our journey to anyone else. We are all experiencing different aspects of ourselves at different phases in our lives. Some of us have yet to fully bloom yet, and some of us are in our second or third bloom. Wherever you find yourself is perfect. You are exactly where you need to be.
If this is you, if this resonates deeply with your heart and you are looking for a nurturing space to hold you, I invite you to book a healing session with me and together we will bring unconditional love and healing to the parts of you that are deeply yearning for this level of transformation. 🦋
Link to book: https://www.therainbowgoddess.com/booking-calendar/personal-healing-session?referral=service_list_widget 🦢✨
With love and grace,
Rosalie and baby